Which Of The Following Suggestions Is A Good Way To Facilitate Argumentativeness?
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Parthian Empire
The Parthian Empire Traditionally, the Parthian Empire (Arsacid Empire) lasted from 247 B.C. – A.D. 224. The starting date is the time of which the Parthians occupied the satrapy of the Seleucid Empire known as Parthia (modern Turkmenistan). The end date marks the start of the Sassanid Empire. The founder of the Parthian Empire is said to have been Arsaces of the tribe of the Parni (a semi-nomadic steppe people), for which reason the Parthian era is also referred to as the Arsacid. There is a debate over the founding date. The high date sets the founding between 261 and 246 B.C., while the low date sets the founding between c. 240/39 and c. 237 B.C. The Extent of the Empire While the Parthian Empire started as the Parthian satrapy, it expanded and diversified. Eventually, it extended from the Euphrates to the Indus Rivers, covering Iran, Iraq, and most of Afghanistan. Although it came to embrace most of the territory occupied by the Seleucid monarchs, the Parthians never conquered Syria. The capital of the Parthian Empire was originally Arsak, but it later moved to Ctesiphon. A Sassanid prince from Fars (Persis, in southern Iran), rebelled against the last Parthian king, the Arsacid Artabanus V, thereby starting the Sassanid era. Parthian Literature In Looking East from the Classical World: Colonialism, Culture, and Trade from Alexander the Great to Shapur I, Fergus Millar says that no literature in an Iranian language survives from the entire Parthian period. He adds that there is documentation from the Parthian period, but its scanty and mostly in Greek. Government The government of the Parthian Empire has been described as an unstable, decentralized political system, but also a step in the direction of the first highly integrated, bureaucratically complex empires in Southwest Asia [Wenke]. It was, for much of its existence, a coalition of vassal states with tense relationships among rival ethnic groups. It was also subject to outside pressure from Kushans, Arabs, Romans, and others. Sources Josef Wiesehà ¶fer Parthia, Parthian empire The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization. Ed. Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth. Oxford University Press, 1998. Elymeans, Parthians, and the Evolution of Empires in Southwestern Iran, Robert J. Wenke; Journal of the American Oriental Society (1981), pp. 303-315. Looking East from the Classical World: Colonialism, Culture, and Trade from Alexander the Great to Shapur I, by Fergus Millar; The International History Review (1998), pp. 507-531. The Date of the Secession of Parthia from the Seleucid Kingdom, by Kai Brodersen; Historia: Zeitschrift fà ¼r Alte Geschichte (1986), pp. 378-381
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Stress Management Essay
Stress Management Essay Stress Management Essay Stress Management Essay the Manual of Correct Relaxation What is the stress management? We know how it is difficult sometimes to cope with the nerves on the working place: fuss, conflicts, stress loading and others factors, which influence on our physical and moral conditions. Of course, after the hard working day we can always take a cold shower or just spend some hours in bed under the blanket. But next day we face another set of problems, and it would not be enough to have a usual rest again. What should you do in this situation? Definitely, there are a lot of trainings and stress-down systems, which help you to control your stress in each difficult situation. However, today it is quite popular task in our colleges to write essays about the stress management or your own experience in chilling out. In my case, I had a deal with that assignment many times, so, I could help you too. Stress Management Essay The Identification of the Issue As you understand, stress management essay is a description of your personal and public experience in the field of management relaxation. The main principle of business says find the time as for the work as for the rest. In other words, you start your stress management essay with the words of topics importance; you point the key factors of successful stress management. It would be better, if you prepare some stress management essay outline beforehand. I assure you that it will ease your writing undoubtedly. Stress Management Essay The Analysis Now you begin to unfold the topic. It will be useful, if you speak sequentially, with a logical line of your thoughts. Describe foreign and domestic practice, and how people of various cultures handle the stress problems on the work. Also, put the examples of solid and reliable ways to relax at the workplace. In other words, provide the real and global research, making the analysis of your ideas simultaneously. Stress Management Essay The Synthesis In the end of your stress management essay as the author, you provide the logical conclusion. It means you collect the gained knowledge and draw a final line under your research. It could be the recommendations on the basis of examined information or clear directions about the stress avoiding. Actually, your work is some kind of manual for those, who want to have the working situation under control. Besides, your work could be published on some web-site of writing works, and your will help someone to cope with above-mentioned tasks.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business Finance Paper- Scott Equipment Organization Essay
Business Finance Paper- Scott Equipment Organization - Essay Example It is found under the series of financial leverage. It measures the rate upon the shareholders’ total accumulated investment value in a corporation. The formula to compute this percentage is given as follows: Net income (per annum) *100 Shareholders’ equity It is from the income statement of a company that this information to compute return on equity is obtained. It is usually dubbed as an artificial measure compared to other types of measurements. Firstly, because the shareholders’ equity has no relationship to the dividends paid to them from the company’s earnings. Secondly, is due to the fact that the shareholders’ equity has no relationship with what such share would be disposed off at in the open capital markets. However, it is not all irrelevant. It is essential as a nature of financial leverage since it shows the earning power of a company. It also enables comparison between companies and eventually in stock selection. (Siciliano, 2003 p111) (A)EXPECTED RATE OF RETURN ON STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY FINANCING POLICY EBIT(USD) COST OF DEBT(USD) INCOME TAX 40% EAIT EQUITY E.R.O.E (%) AGGRESSIVE 6000000 1707692.37 1716923.052 2575384.578 40000000 6.438461 MODERATE 6000000 1190769.24 1923692.304 2885538.456 40000000 7.213846 CONSERVATIVE 6000000 733846.14 2106461.544 3159692.316 40000000 7.899231 Working capital Working capital is one of the major reasons people need information from the balance sheet of any given company. It is also an expression sometimes referred to as current company’s position. It usually shows in detail the condition, financially, of any business in focus. This communicates to the users by telling them about what would be left in a company’s short term assets subsequent to the payment of short term liabilities. Therefore, if working capital is high, this shows that the company is facing minimal strain financially. By studying the situation of the company as portrayed by this ratio, one can tell if it owns resources vital to make internal expansions or if there is need to borrow. Working capital = current assets – current liabilities (Kennon, 2011) (B) NET WORKING CAPITAL POSITION FINANCING POLICY CURRENT ASSETS SHORT TERM DEBT WORKING CAPITAL AGGRESSIVE 30000000 11076923 18923077 MODERATE 30000000 8307692 21692308 CONSERVATIVE 30000000 5538462 24461538 Current Ratio Current ratio measures the proportion of current assets against current liabilities. Current assets are made up of assets easily convertible into cash and cash. The assets which can be easily converted into cash are those assets which can be sold within a period of one year and such amounts used as a financing source for the day-to-day business operations. Current liabilities are obligations for which the business requires cash in a period of less than one year to fiance. Current ratio simply is a way to show how a firm is able to pay its short term liabil
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Cultural Difference between Public and Private Organisations Essay
Cultural Difference between Public and Private Organisations - Essay Example Considerable research in public administration was conducted in the ensuing years, but determination of these differences was largely overlooked by most of the scholars and journalists (Baarspul, 2009, p. 1). Although most of the researchers mutually consent that employee behavior in the public organizations is different from that of employees in the private organizations, yet certain researchers have expressed disagreement as a result of their studies while the compilation of empirical findings is nearly non-existent to date (Baarspul, 2009, p. 1). This paper discusses the differences of organizational cultures between the public and private sector organizations. Study of these differences is important because knowledge of the culture generally prevalent in either of the two types of organizations is a pre-requisite to understand the way these organizations play their role in the society, and to introduce positive changes in them to enhance their productivity and efficiency for the benefit and well-being of the society. Differences in the cultures of the public and the private organizations are caused by differences of the work environment, and dynamics of the workplace that come into play as a result of mutual interaction and integration of a wide array of factors that include but are not limited to the goals, decision making processes, attitudes and behaviors of the organizational personnel, and the patterns of communication. The prime goal of the private sector organizations is to safeguard the interests of the stakeholders that primarily include the owners of the organizations, and the people who have invested in the organization to purchase its shares. On the contrary, â€Å"the most often repeated observations about public organizations are that their goals are particularly vague and intangible compared to those of private business firms and that they more often have multiple conflicting goals†(Rainey, 2009). Decision making processes in the priv ate organizations in general and private for-profit organizations in particular is smoother as compared to those in the public organizations. Chances of occurrence of conflict, turbulence, and interruptions are more in the public organizations owing to the disorganization of the system and issues of decision making. These differences in the processes of decision making can fundamentally be attributed to the difference of roles played by the private and public organizations in the society. The main purpose of the private organizations is to make money for the stakeholders by selling their services and/or products to the consumers. On the other hand, â€Å"The typical general purpose, tax-supported governmental agency, such as a state department of mental health, contracts for services and collects information about the needs of people that call for a public response†(Nutt, 2005, p. 289-290). These differences of roles propose considerably different accountability and expectat ions which impart the conditions for different decision making processes in the private and the public organizations. The attitudes and behaviors of the organizational personnel play a key role in shaping the organizational culture. An organization that operates in the public sector is assumed to
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Television violence Essay Example for Free
Television violence Essay * Children watch an average of four hours of television daily. Television can be a powerful influence in developing value systems and shaping behavior. Unfortunately, much of todays television programming is violent. Hundreds of studies of the effects of TV violence on children and teenagers have found that children may : * Become immune or numb to the horror of violence * Gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems * Imitate the violence they observe on television * Extensive viewing of television violence by children causes greater aggressiveness. Children who view shows in which violence is very realistic, frequently repeated or unpunished, they are more likely to imitate what they see. Children with emotional, behavioral, learning or impulse control problems may be more easily influenced by TV violence. The impact of TV violence may be immediately evident in the childs behavior or may surface years later. Young people can even be affected when the family atmosphere shows no tendency toward violence. * While TV violence is not the only cause of aggressive or violent behavior, it is clearly a significant factor. Parents can protect children from excessive TV violence in the following ways: * pay attention to the programs their children are watching and watch some with them * set limits on the amount of time they spend with the television; consider removing the TV set from the childs bedroom * point out that although the actor has not actually been hurt or killed, such violence in real life results in pain or death * refuse to let the children see shows known to be violent, and change the channel or turn off the TV set when offensive material comes on, with an explanation of what is wrong with the program * disapprove of the violent episodes in front of the children, stressing the belief that such behavior is not the best way to resolve a problem * to offset peer pressure among friends and classmates, contact other parents and agree to enforce similar rules about the length of time and type of program the children may watch * Parents can also use these measures to prevent harmful effects from television in other areas such as racial or sexual stereotyping. The amount of time children watch TV, regardless of content, should be moderated because it decreases time spent on more beneficial activities such as reading, playing with friends, and developing hobbies. If parents have serious difficulties setting limits, or have ongoing concerns about their childs behavior, they should contact a child and adolescent psychiatrist for consultation and assistance.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Hemingway :: Essays Papers
Hemmingway Hemingway Hero’ is the foundation for the main charater in all of Hemingway’s stories. The ‘Hemingway Hero’ is always a man, more so, he is a rough, woodsy type; a real man’s-man. He drinks, he hunts, and he acts first then asks questions later. He goes from one woman to another, and women are good for little more than reproduction. (Shoemaker) He has hopes, dreams, convictions and beliefes which he strictly follows, but he does not talk about them. This is one great example of the ‘Hemingway Hero’ being a man: â€Å"How much did you suffer?†â€Å"Plenty,†replied the old man.†(Ernest Hemingway, â€Å"Old Man and The Sea†126.) This conversation took place after the old man had been fighting a twelve hundred pound marlin for three days with little drink and only raw fish to eat. This pattern of the ‘Hemingway Hero’ is consistent in all of Hemingway’s writings. Santiago, from â€Å"The Old Man and the Sea,†has a striking similarity to each of the injured soldiers in â€Å"In Another Country.†All of these men are proud and it is shown in the soldiers thoughts about his medals (Adventures in American Literature 649) and in Santiago’s belief that a man can be destroyed, but not defeated; which is also major theme in many of Hemingway’s writings. However, the hero varies from story to story in their realism. In â€Å"In Another Country†the characters display a more human quality of emotion, where as Santiago seems to have a super-human restraint and is always stoic. Hemingway uses most every kind of literary device imaginable in his writing. One major item is the use of understatement (Shoemaker), the quote in the second paragraph is an excellent example as is; â€Å"It is very difficult,†he said â€Å"I am utterly unable to resign myself,†(Adventures in American Literature, 651.) This quote is from an injured soldier morning the loss of his recently wed bride.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Course Project: Leadership and Organizational Behavior
My course project is based on organization of Creative Images, Inc. Creative Images is a California based company in computer graphic design studio who’s affiliated with Hollywood movie production companies. Creative Images work very closely with their clients and well known clients are Pixar Animation Studios, Walt Disney Company, and many other animation movie makers. Numbers of intelligent computer graphic designers are working hard to meet the status quo on current animated production movies and projects for the customers in night and weekends. The company is all about providing highest quality of work to world giant animated movie production companies and its well getting recognized by their customers. But only problem is that employees’ at Creative Images are not satisfied with their current benefits of their job since many people are subject to provide the project status and meeting deadlines which it requires for them to work nights and weekends without getting over-time paid. I am a Human Resource analysis just recently got hired by Creative Images to provide the best quality assurance to employees so that all employees are satisfy with their jobs and benefits so that it increases employee’s morale. I will be reviewing current job duties and functionalities so that their compensation and benefits are competitive with current market as well as provide them with incentives and rewards so that it increases employee’s morale and reduce number of high turnovers. Problem Statement The problem that Creative Images faces employee’s compensation and benefits package which it makes the company is not competitive and enjoyable work place. According to Human Resource’s firm wide hiring analysis, they have been showing increases of job turnovers in the past 2-3 years. During their exit interview, number of employee reported complains of their stressful working hours and have not been compensated for their amount of work that they provided in after working hours. After working excessive hours, their team or department did not recognized their showmanship for delivering high quality work and company did not award them or no creases in bonuses either. Since Creative Images are known for proving highest quality of work to their customers, in seldom, several other design studios who’s competition to Creative Images are trying to offer a job to elite and talented individuals from Creative Images to get the best people of for them. It’s causing the huge headache to the firm since many of them who left company are key employees who bring revenue to the company. To avoid any high turnovers, we need to provide very competitive salaries, incentives as well as reward programs to keep the Creative Images employees and bring higher standards and morale.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Decline of Literacy and Education in America
The Decline of Literacy and Education in America Attention Getter: One of the major problems in America today is the decline of literacy and education. A recent study found that only 50% of high school students in major cities graduate. A 2007 study by the National Endowment for the Arts proved that Americans read less and not as well as previous generations. Americans teenagers are ranked behind countries such as Poland, Korea, France and Canada in reading. Many educators believe illiteracy is to blame for negative teen endeavors.Literate, educated people are more like to partake in positive activities because they are more confident. Psychological Orientation: Education is taken for granted in America. Americans are worried about all the wrong things and that is why our country is suffering. Speaking correctly is laughed at. Memorizing historical events and multiplication tables is outdated because we have Google and calculators. We would rather read pre-digested textbooks than ori ginal sources. We spend more time on our phones and watching reality shows than visiting libraries.We are not concerned with spelling because we have auto-correct. It has become difficult to put in the hard work of literature because we spend our time writing in 140 characters. We believe school should be entertaining, if learning is not fun it is not effective. That education is the job of the professionals and not the parents. Statistics don’t lie. Our modern education system is not working. We are failing to demand the best in students we let them get by instead of making them do what they are capable of. Resulting in our failure to compete in the global economy.We are far less literate and educated than our competitors. Logical Orientation: There are many reasons for the decline of literacy and education in America but I believe technology, parents, and unqualified teachers hold the biggest responsibility. Body I. What impact does technology have on literacy and education ? A. New media- radio, cinema, television, computer are making writing obsolete. B. Lack of reading causes our brains not to decipher the meaning of words. II. What impact do parents have on literacy and education?A. Today’s parent does not work with their child. B. They use technology as a baby sitter instead of using it to educate their children. III. What impact does people with learning disabilities not being taught properly have on literacy and education? A. The teachers do not care are not qualified. B. Their parents feel it is professionals job to help their child learn and not theirs. Logical Closure: I believe that the way for Americans to increase literacy is to stop taking education for granted. Technology is not all bad.Parents should use technology to educate their children instead of using it as a baby sitter. Teachers should truly care and Truancy laws should be enforced. Psychological Closure: Instead of being brainwashed with fashion, reality tv, and cell pho nes we need to be brainwashed with math, reading, and science. Clincher: It was Clive Lewis that said â€Å"We all want progress but if you are on the wrong word, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road. †It is not to late to stop the decrease in literacy. Promote education not entertainment.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Cathcer in the Rye essays
Cathcer in the Rye essays In 1919 Jerome David Salinger was born to Sol and Miriam Jillich Salinger. This man would have a moderately normal childhood attending the private McBurney School in Manhattan, and afterwards the Valley Forge Military Academy in Pennsylvania, where he graduated in 1936. He then attended New York University for an unsuccessful summer session in short-story writing. This 20th century novelist would later come to be known as J. D. Salinger and write many short stories. This impressive list of books include Nine Stories, Franny and Zooey, Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction, and For Esme- With Love and Squalor, and by far his most impressive composition and only novel, The Catcher in the Rye. The Catcher in the Rye is a novel told in a first- person perspective by Holden Caulfield, a cynical, reclusive teenager who, among many other things, is taking an arduous voyage from childhood and innocence to experience and maturity. Catcher in the Rye's setting somewhat parallels Salinger's environment during his early life. This novel takes place in the 1950's and starts out in the autumn at Pencey Prep a private boy's preparatory school and later in New York City, while the last chapter takes place in an insane asylum. The protagonist and antagonist Holden Caulfield is a cynical, melancholy teen who is a very dynamic personality in this book. He is the only character, which appears throughout the book. He comes in contact with many other characters that have a strong impact on the decisions he makes. Stradlater, Holden's athletic, popular, rich roommate at Pencey is the exact opposite of every characteristic that Holden possesses. Even though they are so contrasted, t hey seem to get along most of the time. Allie Caulfield, is a character used off-stage to bring out qualities in Holden. Allie was Holden's brother who died at an early age due to leukemia. Holden ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
German Compound Words Explained With Examples
German Compound Words Explained With Examples Mark Twain said the following about the length of German words:â€Å"Some German words are so long that they have a perspective.†Indeed, Germans love their long words. However, in the 1998 Rechtschreibreform, it was strongly recommended to hyphenate these Mammutwà ¶rter (mammoth words) in order to simplify their readability. One notices particularly terminology in science and the media following this trend: Software-Produktionsanleitung, Multimedia- Magazin.When reading these German mammoth words, you will recognize that they are composed of either:Noun noun (der Mà ¼lleimer / the garbage pail)Adjective noun (die Großeltern / grandparents)Noun adjective (luftleer / airless)Verb stem noun (die Waschmaschine / washing machine)Preposition noun (der Vorort / suburb)Preposition verb (runterspringen / to jump down)Adjective adjective (hellblau / light blue)In some German compound words, the first word serves to describe the second word in more precis e detail, for instance, die Zeitungsindustrie (the newspaper industry.) In other compound words, each of the words are of equal value (der Radiowecker / the radio-alarm clock.) Other long words have a meaning all of their own that is different from each of the individual words (der Nachtisch / the dessert.) Important German Compound Rules It is the last word that determines the word type. For example:à ¼ber - preposition, reden-verbà ¼berreden verb (to persuade)The last noun of the compound word determines its gender. For exampledie Kinder das Buch das Kinderbuch (the childrens book)Only the last noun is declined. For example:das Bà ¼gelbrett - die Bà ¼gelbretter (ironing boards)Numbers are always written together. For example:Zweihundertvierundachtzigtausend (284 000)Since the 1998 Rechtschreibreform, verb verb compound words are no longer written together. So for example, kennen lernen / to get to know. Letter Insertion in German Compounds When composing long German words, you need to sometimes insert a letter or letters. In noun noun compounds you add:-e-When the plural of the first noun adds an –e-.Die Hundehà ¼tte (der Hund - die Hunde)- er-When the first noun is either masc. or neu. and is pluralized with-er-Der Kindergarten (das Kind -die Kinder)-n-When the first noun is feminin and is pluralized –en-Der Birnenbaum / the pear tree (die Birne - die Birnen)-s-When the first noun ends in either -heit, keit, -ungDie Gesundheitswerbung / the health ad-s- For some nouns that end in –s- in the genitive case.Das Suglingsgeschrei / the newborn’s cry (des Suglings)In verbstem noun compositions, you add:-e-After many verbs that have a stem ending b, d, g, and t.Der Liegestuhl / the lounge chair
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Course of Mexican History Research Paper Essay
The Course of Mexican History Research Paper - Essay Example The reflection specifically aims to address the following: (1) to provide a description of how the course has enhanced one’s understanding of the term "culture"; (2) to explain how historical and social contexts have helped to shape human belief systems and values; and (3) to evaluate how one’s own cultural perspective has influenced personal intercultural experiences. Description: Personal Understanding of the Term Culture One’s personal contention is that the term culture encompasses a collaborative learning and experiences of a particular group of people who have developed common sets of values, preferences, traditions, norms and practiced these as their way of life from generation to generation. This understanding of the term culture was reinforced by discussions on business culture (Unit 1), specifically how Mexicans value personal relationships, mix business transactions with leisure activities and continue to practice the manana habit that tends to delay a ctivities to a later time or date. Further, lessons on art and architecture from ancient times that marked the development of practices from the time of the Olmec and Aztec cultures, enhanced one’s understanding of how various religious practices influenced traditional beliefs and the way architecture was created and built (Unit 3). Culture, as a way of life, were discussed to be manifested and expressed through music (Unit 10) from the rule of the Spanish conquests to contemporary times in terms of the evolution and development of musical instruments, styles, and forms. Finally, one of the most evident cultural forms is exemplified through the way Mexicans enjoy and prepare their food (Unit 2) and how their eating habits differ from other cultures. Diverse historical timelines that aimed to trace the roots and evolution of Mexicans, as an indigenous group, presented more comprehensive discussion of how Mexicans were influenced by significant personalities from the time of Ki ng Charles V of Spain (Unit 5) to the restoration of the republic through revolt in 1910 (Unit 6). All these events helped shape and make Mexico a distinct and rich culture that have influenced other people through interactions and global connections through time. Explanation: Historical and Social Contexts that shaped Belief Systems and Values Human belief systems and values are likewise shaped by the historical and social events depicted through the rich experiences discussed in the module. One of the most pronounced social events is the use of musical instruments that were traced since the time of the Aztecs from their drums that accompany their ceremonies (Unit 10). The role of the church is also crucial in the development of a distinct musical genre focusing on solemnity, hymns and chants. Other historical events that significantly shaped beliefs and values of Mexicans were the art and literature expressed in architectural sites which were traced from their religious practices of worshipping gods and goddesses (Unit 3). The experience of Mexico is parallel with other cultures that exemplify religion as having shaped traditional values and beliefs. Most of these are handed from generation to generation and some remain to be practiced until contemporary times. Finally, the influence of other races: Spaniards, in particular, in their way of life, in political endeavors, and in fighting for national freedom from foreign rule and
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